Ask your doctor if Radixact® is right for you
Thanks to rapid advances in treatment technologies, you have more options than ever for effectively treating your cancer. The first step in understanding your options is to talk to your doctor. To help you get that conversation started, we’ve put together a few questions to ask.
Questions to ask your doctor
- What are my treatment options?
- Which treatment option would best preserve my quality of life?
- Will treatment affect my daily activities?
- What is my recommended treatment option — and why?
- Will I need to have a colostomy?
- Am I a candidate for Radixact treatment with TomoTherapy technology?
- What is the treatment process for the treatment option you recommend and how long will it take?
- Do I need to change what I eat during treatment?
- What results should I expect?
- What are the side effects and risks of the procedure; and which side effects are short-term, and which ones may be long-term?
- How are these side effects managed and can they be prevented?
- What will my options be if the cancer comes back?
- How soon after treatment can I return to my normal activities, such as work, exercise, or sex?